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Old 11-14-2021, 07:55 AM   #1
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Default Epack vs Physical boxes which do you prefer?

Wondering what everyone prefers as far as Epack vs opening a physical box.

I can see the benefits of Epack as it cuts down on sorting time, having to physically store the cards, and even the empty packs and box disposal. What I don't care for is that you do not "actually" have all of the cards that you open due to some being digital only. These are of course mostly base cards, but it feels like it takes some of the value away.

The benefits of opening the box in hand is that you get everything right then and it feels as if the "value" is more because you have the physical product. Not to mention it feels more exciting to have it right there.

Just seeing what everyone prefers and why.

Thanks for looking.
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