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Old 01-11-2011, 07:42 AM   #25
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1) Why do you collect cards and who/what influenced you to start?
When I was younger my brother was into collecting and thats sort of how I got into it. I always followed what he would do and it stuck.

2) Who is your biggest role model?
My biggest role model? Thats a tough one, if it were to be someone I knew personally I'd have to say my brother, if it wasn't personal I'd say Bruce Lee.

3) What is the most recent "nice thing" or "good deed" you have done for someone?
Most recent nice thing, or good deed, I've done would have to be bailing a good friend out of jail, even though I couldn't afford it.

4) Who was the "someone" from question 3?
It was a close friend from junior high.

5) What is your favorite subject in school and why?
My favorite subject in school is definitely computer graphics, probably because I excel at it and I make money off of what I learn.

6) What grades do you get in school?
I recently did my first semester in college, and I finished with a 3.87, which was all A's except 1 B+.

7) Are you on the honor role?
I should be on Dean's list.

8) Do you volunteer for any committees or organizations?
I might join Honor Society this semester.

9) Do you play sports?
I don't play any sports in school, but I enjoy playing almost all sports recreationally.

10) What NFL team do you collect?
Definitely the New York Giants, their actually the reason I started to collect again.

11) What would you like to be when finished with school?
When I finish school I'd like to work a career I'm happy in and make enough money to support my family and live comfortable without having to sacrifice ridiculous amounts of time away from them.

12) How old are you?
Just turned 23 recently.

(edited) didn't realize by young ones it was meant as teenagers, I assumed it was new-b's on the site lol, my fault.

Last edited by deemurdock; 01-11-2011 at 07:43 AM. Reason: wow, didn't realize
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